Changes that are difficult to accept by The Spiritual Princess- Jayapalashri Anil
In Short, my opening statement itself is clear, changes are something that we can’t accept or even acknowledge. No matter what we say in our life, we need to accept and respect it. It’s easy to sit and judge others’ situations and comment on them. But when we step into those shoes it’s always never easy.
Preparing for changes and then trying not to accept them is something that happens to everyone. Through the journey of life, we are constantly changing and going through various transformations from being an infant to becoming an adolescent. Moving on from becoming a young adult to maturing as an adult. Gradually we start moving towards the downward spiral of the body slowing down and aging.
No matter whether one accepts it or not this is a process of nature and it happens. Though some who take good care of their body age a bit slower there is a wear and tear of muscles in the body that’s natural. At times though you are aging some keep their mind fit and never see themselves at that age. Now is that okay?
Yes of course it’s okay, as there is no harm in thinking you are younger than your body’s age. It helps one to stay young at heart and in the mind. Here what one should focus on is taking care of one’s body as a sacred temple. The heart as a sanctum Santorum keeping it clean and pure will help you to move ahead accepting every change that happens in your life.
As one transition through the different stages of life, certain major changes do occur bringing further awareness of the changes and acceptance for the same. A change is never easy at the same time accepting it helps one to move ahead. So if all of us are prepared, why is it that much more difficult to accept changes?
Certain changes are easy to accept and let go of, as there is happiness in it. At the same time, certain changes are never easy to accept or let go of as there is pain and suffering in it. You need to know both the changes are equally essential for the journey and lessons that you are learning. The changes that make us happy are easy to accept and willingness comes naturally.
The pain and suffering will always have resistance and a lot of anxiety and issues of not being ready to accept it. Excuses may pile up and these may make it even more painful to accept or even let go of something from your space. So what does one do to help understand and let go?
1. Take baby steps as one can never be prepared for the change that’s coming. As some come with major twists and turns to leave one perturbed and unsettled.
2 Accept the change by just going with the flow as it becomes that much easier to move ahead.
3 Step out of the situation and have a birds-eye view of the whole situation and try to understand the story from both sides as this would help you.
4 Don’t jump to conclusions and judge things by being hasty and impractical with all irrational thoughts.
5 The challenges bring the biggest changes, accepting them will help you overcome the changes that much quicker.
6 Sit with the pain and suffering and accept it, work on it and gradually let it go out of your system.
7 Working on a change takes time, let it be, as the slower you work on it. The more assured and confident you will be of the change.
8 Once you understand that change is inevitable then it is understandable that you have to just go with whatever the changes are.
9 Bring in an aspect of a contingency plan to help you move ahead and have an easy way forward.
10 Focus on your happiness and be ready to forgive or let go of your inner peace and happiness.
Following this would make it a tad easier and bring about the required change in our life. No matter how tough it is, one will be ready to accept it and move ahead. Be it in any threshold of life, change can be accepted when we understand change is necessary for one’s journey.
The ups and downs of life bring in change naturally and some changes are inevitable.
Changes are inevitable, accepting them will help one move through those bridges of changes.
Do you often get caught in situations where you find it difficult to voice yourself out of fear to be judged?
Penned by The Spiritual Princess JayaPalashri Anil
Founder - Samskara Healing
Shaman/Reiki Grandmaster/Meditation Facilitator